All Categories ​>​ ​Home Insurance ​ > ​ ​Making a claim ​ > ​ ​Before you lodge a claim ​>​ Is water damage covered?

Is water damage covered?

Water damage may be covered, depending on the cause.

✔ Covered:

  • Earth movement that occurs within 72 hours of a storm or heavy rain, if caused by that storm or rain.
  • Surface run-off rainwater from surrounding areas, if it occurs within 24 hours of a storm or heavy rain.
  • Rainwater escaping from a water pipe, drain, or gutter.

❌ Not covered:

  • Damage caused by high tide, king tide, tidal wave, storm surge, or any other action of the sea.
  • Flood damage, unless you have added optional Flood Cover to your policy.
  • Underground water seepage or pressure.

Please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) for more information.

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