All Categories ​>​ ​Life Insurance ​ > ​ ​Help ​>​ Is there assistance with transport to Medical Appointments from rural or regional locations?

Is there assistance with transport to Medical Appointments from rural or regional locations?

As part of the assessment of an application or a claim, it is sometimes necessary to request our customers be examined by an independent medical specialist or, for a claim, to attend rehabilitation related services.

In all cases, to inconvenience you as little as possible, every effort will be made to organise appointments close to your home. However, for rural and regional customers, if a suitable provider is not located in your local area, Qantas Life Insurance will pay reasonable costs for your transport to attend the medical appointment.

If flights and accommodation are required for you to attend medical assessments, this will be organised for you. If there is a medical reason you cannot travel alone, we’ll also consider paying any travel costs for someone to accompany you. Please note, approval is required from Qantas Life Insurance prior to the appointment.

If you have a disability, please speak to your Customer Service Representative or Claims Case Manager to ensure that there is suitable access for you at the medical appointment.

In all cases, please speak to your Qantas Life Insurance Customer Service Representative or Claims Case Manager prior to incurring any expenses to confirm what payments can be reimbursed. They are committed to helping you find a suitable solution.

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