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How do I fix Garmin syncing?

First, check whether the Garmin Connect App and your Garmin device show the same number of steps. If the number of steps shown is different, use Solution A, otherwise skip to Solution B.

Solution A

  1. Open Garmin Connect App.
  2. Locate the picture of your Garmin Device in the top of the Garmin Connect App. You should see a green dot on the ring around your device. If you see the green dot, skip to step 5.
  3. If you see a red dot on the ring, turn on bluetooth on your phone.
  4. If you see no coloured dot on the ring, disable Bluetooth on your phone, then enable Bluetooth. 
    If it the green dot does not appear after a few seconds:
    1. Kill the Garmin Connect App
      iOS: double tap the home button and swipe the Garmin Connect App upwards until it disappears.
      Android: tap on the recent applications menu and swipe the Garmin Connect App to the right until it disappears.
    2. Disable Bluetooth.
    3. Restart Bluetooth.
    4. Re-open the Garmin Connect App.
  5. If you see a green dot on the ring, it means your Garmin watch is properly connected via Bluetooth to your Garmin Connect App. Press the sync button in the top right hand corner of the Garmin Connect App to sync steps from your watch. Syncing can take a few minutes if your device has not connected for a while.
  6. If you have waited a few minutes and the steps on your watch and your Garmin Connect App are still different, go to Garmin Support for help:

Once the Garmin Connect App shows the same number of steps as your wearable Garmin device, open Qantas Wellbeing to verify your step data has synced.

If the Wellbeing App shows a lower amount of steps than the Garmin Connect App, use Solution B.

Solution B

  1. Open the Qantas Wellbeing app
  2. Go to Profile > Settings > Data Sources > Garmin.
  3. Disconnect Garmin using the three dots in the top right corner
  4. Reconnect Garmin by tapping the '+' button next to the activity you want to sync.
  5. Navigate back to the Challenges screen and check to see if your data has updated.

If your data has not updated after following Solutions A and B, complete solution C.

Solution C

  1. Open the Qantas Wellbeing App and go to Profile > Settings > Data Sources > Garmin, and disconnect Garmin using the three dots in the top right corner.
  2. Log out from both GarminConnect Web and from Connect Mobile.
    1. Open the Garmin Connect App and go to More > Settings > Sign out.
    2. Go to If you see "Sign in" skip this step. Otherwise, tap your profile image in the top right corner and tap "Sign out".
  3. Re-login to the Garmin Connect App using the same Garmin Connect email address.
  4. In the Qantas Wellbeing App, go to Profile > Settings > Data Sources > Garmin, and reconnect Garmin by tapping the '+' next to the activity you want to sync.
  5. Navigate back to the Challenges screen and check to see if your data has updated.

If you are still experiencing issues syncing data, please contact support.

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