All Categories ​>​ ​Home Insurance ​ > ​ ​Making a claim ​ > ​ ​Before you lodge a claim ​>​ Am I covered for flood?

Am I covered for flood?

Flood Cover is not automatically included in your home insurance policy. You’ll only be covered if you’ve added the optional Flood Cover.

If you have Flood Cover and your claim is accepted, we’ll pay to repair or replace damage to your home and/or contents caused by flooding, up to your sum insured.

However, flood-related loss or damage will not be covered within the first 72 hours of purchasing your policy, unless:

  • Your policy started immediately after another policy with the same level of flood cover ended, without a break in cover, or
  • You purchased your policy on the same day you bought your home or moved to a new address.

Please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) for more information.

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