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What is Landlord Insurance?

Qantas Insurance offers Home Building, Home Contents or Home and Contents cover for landlords. Depending on you and your budget you can choose cover for:

  • Loss or damage to your investment property;
  • Loss or damage to your rental property’s fixed floor coverings (except fitted carpets) and external window coverings (for example, awnings); and
  • Loss of net rental income for the period your property is unliveable due to an insured event.

For an additional premium, you can also add one or both of these optional covers to your policy:

  • Tenant Default: If your tenant fails to pay their rent or leaves unexpectedly.
  • Tenant Theft and Malicious Damage: For loss or damage as a result of a fire maliciously lit by your tenant and their visitors, we will pay up to the sums insured stated on your Insurance Certificate. For all other loss or damage caused maliciously by your tenant and their visitors, when we insure your home, we will pay up to $150,000 and when we insure your contents, we will pay up to $20,000.

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