All Categories ​>​ ​Travel Insurance ​ > ​ ​Purchasing ​>​ What is Specified Items Cover?

What is Specified Items Cover?

Specified Items Cover is an optional extra you can purchase to cover your high value items.

In all of our policies, we’ll cover your luggage and personal effects if they are lost, stolen or damaged up to the limits outlined in the PDS applicable to your policy. However, if you plan on taking items on your trip that are higher value than those limits, then you may want to consider adding Specified Items Cover. This can include things like laptops, smartphones, sporting equipment and camera equipment. We’ll ask you to describe them and tell us their value when you’re taking out a policy so we can add them to your Certificate of Insurance. 

Sub-limits apply to individual items that can be covered under this option. Please read the applicable PDS for full details.

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