All Categories ​>​ ​Wellbeing ​ > ​ ​Fix Syncing Issues ​>​ How do I fix Fitbit syncing?

How do I fix Fitbit syncing?

First, ensure your phone is connected to internet.

If you are using mobile data rather than Wifi, make sure both the Wellbeing App and the Fitbit App have access to use mobile data. You can do this via your phone's settings.

Open the Wellbeing App and go to 'Profile' (bottom left) > Settings cog (top right) > 'Data Sources' > 'Fitbit'

  1. If you do not have any activity selected, tap the  button and follow the setup instructions.
  2. Tap the grey 'sync' button near the top right corner of the screen.

If your Fitbit App and your Fitbit device show a different number of steps, try Solution A. If they show the same number of steps skip to Solution B.


If your Fitbit App and Fitbit device show a different number of steps, try Solution A.

Solution A

The following steps make sure your Fitbit device synchronises with your Fitbit App.

  1. Ensure your Fitbit device is powered on and open the Fitbit App on your phone.
  2. In the Fitbit App, pull down from the middle of the screen and release your finger. This causes the Fitbit App to sync with your Fitbit device and you should see a 'syncing' animation in the top left corner of the screen to confirm this.
  3. Once syncing is complete, the steps on your Fitbit device and App should be the same.
  4. Open the Challenges tab on the Wellbeing App and use your finger to pull down and release. This causes the Wellbeing App to sync with all available data sources.
  5. Your steps should now be up to date in the Wellbeing App.

If you did not see a syncing animation or your device is not visible in the top left hand corner of your Fitbit App, refer to Fitbit's FAQs: Why won't my device sync?

If your Fitbit device synced successfully with your Fitbit App, but the steps are not updated in the Wellbeing App, follow Solution B.

If the Fitbit App shows a higher number of steps than in the Wellbeing App, follow Solution B.

Solution B

The following steps ensure your Fitbit account is properly connected to the Wellbeing App.

  1. Open the default browser in your phone (e.g. Safari or Google Chrome)
  2. Go to:
  3. Log out of your Fitbit account
  4. Open the Qantas Wellbeing App
  5. Go to 'Profile' > Settings cog > 'Data Sources'
  6. Tap 'Fitbit', then in the top right corner tap the more button (three dots) and tap 'Disconnect'
  7. Tap 'Disconnect' on the confirmation screen to confirm
  8. Go back to the 'Data Sources' page
  9. Select 'Fitbit'. This will open your Fitbit account via your default browser, and ask for your Fitbit login details. Make sure you use the same login details you previously used to log in to the Fitbit app on your phone.

Your steps should now be visible in the Wellbeing App.

If Solution B does not resolve your issue, please try Solution C.

Solution C

Please perform the following with a network connection enabled:

  1. In the Qantas Wellbeing App, go to 'Profile' > Settings cog > 'Data Sources' > Fitbit.
  2. In the top right corner, tap the 'more' button (three dots) and tap 'Disconnect Fitbit'.
  3. Go back to the 'Settings' page, scroll down and tap 'Log Out' to log out of the Wellbeing App.
  4. Uninstall the Qantas Wellbeing App and uninstall the Fitbit App.
  5. Reinstall the Qantas Wellbeing App and reinstall the Fitbit App.
  6. In the Qantas Wellbeing App, go to 'Profile' > Settings cog > 'Data Sources' > Fitbit.
  7. Tap the 'Steps' or 'Swimming' option and follow the Fitbit login process.
  8. After logging in to Fitbit, you will be returned to the Qantas Wellbeing App. Tap the 'Challenges' tab at the bottom of the screen.

Your Fitbit steps should now be visible in the Wellbeing App.

If the solutions above did not fix your problem, check if your mobile device is compatible with the Fitbit app. You can search your phone make and model here:

If you are still experiencing issues syncing data, please contact support.

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