To support our members who were impacted by COVID-19, we introduced a support package last year, which included:
Postponing any premium increases scheduled for 1 April 2020 for a six-month period
More flexibility for members choosing to suspend their policy
A one-off premium credit for eligible members on JobKeeper or JobSeeker
The extension of Extras cover to include a minimum benefit of $300 for psychology. (This benefit will end on 30 June 2021).
Expanded coverage for COVID-19 related treatment across any level of hospital cover where these treatments are currently excluded, at no additional cost. (This benefit will end on 30 June 2021).
Good news: Telehealth is here to stay
We’re pleased to advise that the benefits introduced for telehealth services to help members access Extras services during the pandemic are here to stay. We will continue to cover selected telehealth services, such as physiotherapy, dietetics and psychology in line with your level of Extras cover. So, you can continue focusing on staying healthy, from the comfort of home.
Please refer to our FAQs for more information or call us on 13 49 60 if you would like to discuss your situation.
We’re conscious that there is ongoing uncertainty in relation to COVID-19. We will continue to assess whether additional support measures for our members are appropriate. We’ll be in touch if anything changes.